Aveyron La Ligne Verte
Mont Aigoual Southern Massif Central B03
Cycling tour in the Grands Causses Nature Park

Home             Biking France             Moderate cycling tours          B03 standard** packages 2025

Cycling in South of France with La Ligne Verte

Cycling trekking tour in the Grands Causses Nature Park

Itineraries Day stages Pricing

The B03-tour is an "Moderate Cycling Tour" or a "Challenging Cycling Tour". You can climb the Mont Aigoual (1659m). You will be cycling in quiet Aveyron , Lozère and Cevennes mountains on quiet, hilly roads of the Parc Régional Naturel des Grands Causses, near Millau.

Vase de Sevres- le Rozier - Gorges de la Jonte
Gorges de la Jonte

A spectacular journey in the gorges (canyons), followed by the unexpected scenery of the Pays de Roquefort and you will discover the valley of Tarn river. You'll start in St. Affrique in Pays de Roquefort. From there you'll be heading upstream in Tarn valley towards Lozère with its rough Gorges and steep, bare, 700m. high cliff faces.

At the end you'll come back, via the picturesque Nant, on the edge of the Cevennes and the rough limestone plateau of the Larzac, via the Hérault department to the starting place St. Affrique.

Gorges du Tarn - Rock des Hourtous
Gorges du Tarn

St.Chely-du-Tarn in the Gorges du Tarn
Gorges du Tarn St. Chély-du Tarn

Pictures of trips in Canyons, Gorges and Causses area

Pictures of trips in Tarn Valley

Pictures of trips in Pays de Roquefort.

All details Plus**/*** package B03

All details superior*** package B03

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Day stages





Stages of 60 to 80 km daily (Moderate packages) or 80 to 110 km daily (Challenging packages).

Hotels B03 stages
Standard ** packages
8d 9d 10d 11d
St. Affrique ** Pont Neuf d1 d1 d1 d1
Millau ** Hotel  Hericlea pool d2 d2 d2 d2
La Canourgue ** Hotel du Commerce d3 d3 d3 d3
St. Chély-du-Tarn
** Auberge de la Cascade - pool
d4 d4 d4 d4
Meyrueis *** Grand Hotel de France pool d5 d5 d5 d5
Nant ** Hotel des Voyageurs d6 d6 d6 d6
Ceilhes ** Relais de Ceilhes   d7 d7 d7
Camarès - Rigols,
Prieuré Saint Jean **/***
d8 d8
Brousse-le-Château** d9
St. Affrique ** Pont Neuf d7 d8 d9 d10
Leave after breakfast d8 d9 d10 d11

Itineraries Day stages Pricing


B03 standard package Bags transfers included in basic rate. Basic rate: in p.p. double room, sharing.
BnB   Dinners  Basic rate
July- Aug. p.p.
single room
8 days 7 4 1162 21 320 111 207
9 days 8 5 1323 25 360 129 21t5
10 days 9 6 1518 28 404 148 2246
11 days 10 7 1644 29 437 155 277

Book this trip here.

Extra nights BnB   Dinner  Basic rate
July- Aug. p.p.
single room
St. Affrique

Hotel le Pont Neuf **

yes yes 61 1 51 18 34
Millau ** BnB pool yes no 48 9 36 18 34
Grand Hotel de France *** pool
yes yes 85 5 48 18 34
  • Take-away lunches are not included. You can order them at the hotel or the host the evening before departure.

  • Solo: add 61 % to basic rate. supplement single room included, supplement HS and bike-rental not included.

Currency Converter
Discount on basic rate p.p. for small groups and families B03 stnd
See terms and conditions of group discounts
Parties van 3 personen :   6 % p.p.
Parties van 4 personen :   9 % p.p.
Parties van 5 personen : 10 % p.p.
Parties van 6 personen : 10 % p.p.
Parties van 7 personen : 11 % p.p.
Parties van 8 personen : 11 % p.p.

Itineraries Day stages Pricing

gorges du Tarn

gorges du tarn
Gorges du Tarn

Very light
cycling holiday
cycling holiday
cycling holiday
cycling holiday

Home            Biking France             Moderate    and    Challenging cycling tours    B03 stnd**
   La Ligne Verte