Selfguided Cycling and Walking Holidays in South of France

La Ligne Verte, cycling and walking in France

Individual Selfguided  Cycling Tours in South of France

Selfguided Walking holidays in South of France


Very light
Cycling Holiday
in France

Max 40 km almost flat
Cycling Tours
in France

60-80 km Moderate

Phone: +31 657 098 426

Activity Holidays in Occitanie :
Grands Causses, Cathars land, Lot-Dordogne,

Corsica  and

Provence: Luberon, Nice-Menton Roya, Gorges du  Verdon.

La Ligne Verte offers 4 to 14 day journeys only a local tour operator can organize. Our network created in 20 years will work for you , giving you the best experience to get walking and cycling off the beaten path and really connect with your destination.

La Ligne Verte is a Dutch tour operator organizing its tailor-made selfguided hiking and biking holidays in South of France.

La Ligne Verte organizes and sells its own walking and cycling holidays in South of France for you.

La Ligne Verte is a local, family-operated company dedicated to a personalized and customized approach of activity tourism since 1996.

With our roots in a small village along the Tarn we came back from Northern Europe to live the countryside life of the South again. We want you to experience the quality of life this part of France has to offer: a beautiful environment, nice and relaxed people, culture and ancient history.



Click in a circle on the map below for all info on cycling or walking tours in the region of your choice.(This will not work properly on a mobile)

Auvergne-Aubrac Cathar Occitanie: Aveyron-Tarn-Lot-Lozere, Grands Causses and Tarn Valley-Millau Dordogne Valley and Lot Causse du Quercy Walking or Cycling in Luberon Walking on Corsica

walking and cycling holidays in south of France

We're on the spot all year and work exclusively in the South of France, which by now we have come to know very well. We built a network since 1996 so whatever trouble might happen, we'll be on the spot ourselves or find you the assistance needed. You can phone till late in the evening for any problem you might encounter. We organize the basic essentials of your self-guided activity walking or cycling holiday.

Frans Bevort, our contact-person in South of France was from 2009 to 2012 chairman of the local "Syndicat d'Initiative des Raspes", the Tourist Office of the Canton of St. Rome-de-Tarn, serving the tourist interests of 9 villages along the Valley of the Tarn , promoting tourism in this beautiful but less known part of France.
As locals, we know every site, every back-road, all the local professionals working in tourism. As locals we can make any personalized and customized tour. We will help you to discover wonderful remote places and savor the essence of the hidden treasures and the highly preserved local cultures. Tours are really splendid and guarantee an unique experience.
We are a small organization not working on an allotment base and so we can receive you in small, characteristic hotels in remote places which only locals come to know.

Years of cooperation with local suppliers, hotel keepers, taxi drivers, local Offices de Tourisme (Comité Départemental de Tourisme (CDT) de l'Aveyron) and designers and maintenance workers of walking trails, resulted in our Southern France network.
As direct seller and E-touroperator we can quote competitive rates and still have an outstanding personalized service. Especially for singles, the rates of La Ligne Verte are most reasonable, whilst for small parties (families, 2 or more couples) of 3 and more personen we have rather attractive small group discounts.

We don't have brochures to send to you and no extensive back-offices, but we are here, all year to give the assistance -when needed- our selves. We communicate mainly by this website and by email, but we can also phone you, if you prefer. If you need more info than this website provides or if you want tailored information we will send it to you by email in response to your detailed enquiry.

Our service and flexibility are the very best you can get.

We love travel and adventure but we also love perfect organization : every detail is checked, every thing is done so that all works out for the best.

This part of France is big enough for a great holiday. We are small enough to stay in touch with you.


Our homebase is Occitanie: Gorges and Causses Valley of Tarn River Pays de Roquefort Albi and Pays de Bastides


La Ligne Verte / Vacances à la Carte does not accept any liability for any loss or injury however caused. We recommend that you take out appropriate holiday insurance covering you against illness, injury, and loss or damage to luggage. This insurance should also cover the possibility of your having to cancel your holiday for whatever reason.

Planning a tour with us
Terms and conditions
Booking a trip
TRIPADVISOR: Find us at with La Ligne Verte at

Contact (email)
Phone: +31 657 098 426
Address: La Ligne Verte BV - Dufaystraat 5-II - 1075 GR Amsterdam - Netherlands
La Ligne Verte B.V. is registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Registration number : 30275930